From Abstract to Concrete: How Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Technology Enhances Teaching of Complex Paradigms


  • Sarune Savickaite University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
  • Neil McDonnell University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
  • David Simmons University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK


Immersive Education, Abstract Concepts, Psychology


In this chapter we wish to demonstrate how complex and abstract topics in undergraduate psychology, specifically developmental psychology, can be taught in immersive VR. We use three well known concepts in developmental psychology: the perspective taking task, the conservation task and the False Belief task, which are regularly taught in undergraduate psychology courses. We will briefly outline each task, present our version of the task in immersive VR (using the Edify VR platform) and discuss the benefits of immersive VR technology for complex and abstract concept teaching. We will also suggest further recommendations and best-practice tips.


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How to Cite

Savickaite, S., McDonnell, N., & Simmons, D. (2023). From Abstract to Concrete: How Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Technology Enhances Teaching of Complex Paradigms. Immersive Learning Research - Practitioner, 1(1), 1–3. Retrieved from